Monday, April 23, 2012

Everything's Better With Butter On It!!

Well..... maybe not everything!

Hi there!

A very rainy day calls for some sort of comfort food, so I made a batch of blueberry muffins today.  
Don't know about you, but I have to smother my muffins with butter before eating them.
They're so good!
I also made some homemade mac and cheese.... which I cannot eat.  But my hubby and grandson can.  Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to eat it, but the migraine I would get just isn't worth it!

Yes, I have food allergies.  Anyone else have food allergies?  
They're no fun, that's for sure!  And migraines every day were no fun either! 

I suffered with migraines for years and they kept getting worse each year.  Every prescription drug I tried just dulled the pain, wouldn't work at all or I had too many side affects from them.  

My opinion on all these drugs:  They were just masking the problem!

After a round at the ER (in which I was determined would be my LAST) and tons of drugs to kill the migraine, a list of foods to avoid was given to me and I figured I'd better do something!  
The secret migraine-causing stuff is called Tyramine.
Who would've ever thought it was FOOD!!  And I was eating these foods EVERY DAY!

Here's a list of the foods I cannot eat under any circumstances:
Chocolate, all cheeses (except Cottage cheese(yuck) and Cream cheese (yum), all smoked meats (ham, pepperoni, sausage), deli meats, raisins, yogurt, A-1 Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, BBQ Sauces, avocados, smoked fish, bananas, figs and mushrooms. 

Well, I thought I wouldn't be able to live without eating these foods, but surprisingly, there's 
still a lot of food I CAN eat!  So, all is good.  :)

OK, not much going on here today so I seized the opportunity to create some cards... after I did the laundry, dishes and cooked (ugh)!

Hope you like them.
I used the same layout for both but with different sentiments.

Have a wonderful day and thanks for checking out my Blog!
Polly  :)

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